Legacy Giving

Securing Your Giving Choices, Securing Our Future

A legacy gift to the Endowment Fund of Sha’ar Zahav allows you to maintain total control of your assets during your lifetime. It provides you an opportunity to make a statement about what is most important to you – as your gift will carry your name or the name of someone you wish to honor in perpetuity.

Your bequest may be made for:

  • a specific amount
  • a percent of your assets, or
  • what is left after you have made specific bequests to your family, other individuals and nonprofit organizations.

The Advantages of a Legacy Gift

For many, a legacy gift allows you to make a more sizeable gift than you might be able to consider during your lifetime.

Legacy gifts also enable you to minimize taxes for your estate and heirs. As with other important financial decisions, please consult legal and financial professionals for advice on how to make choices that maximize the tax benefits of your estate.

Using Your Gift Wisely

Unless you designate otherwise, your legacy gift will be invested in our Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund provides ongoing income to Sha’ar Zahav and funds major needs of our congregation above and beyond normal operations. Endowment Funds are invested and managed separately by the Jewish Community Federation.

Ready to make your bequest?

Please click below for a sample “Letter of Intent” which you can complete online. Or if you’ve already remembered us in your will and want to let us know, please contact Irene Ogus at [email protected].