High Holy Days 2024/5785

Click Here to Register (Registration Required)


Schedule of Services and Events


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 – L’eil S’lichot
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
S’lichot Service – On Zoom only
Prayers to help us enter into the High Holy Day season.


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 – Erev Rosh Hashanah
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.    (note earlier start time than prior years)
Rosh Hashanah Evening Service – In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 – Rosh Hashanah Day 1

9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah Morning Services – In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom

9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Rosh Hashanah Family Program – In person only, at the Herbst Theater
Service and interactive activity for children aged preschool to fifth grade. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Tashlich (San Francisco) – In person only, at Crissy Field, East Beach
Tashlich is our short ritual of figuratively tossing our past wrongdoings into the ocean and singing our way into a new year, free of our burdens. Bring your own lunch (and blanket if you want one) any time after 1:00 pm to greet new friends and old. The brief service will begin promptly at 2:00 pm. Click here for information on accessibility at Crissy Field, East Beach.

2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Tashlich (East Bay) – In person only, at the Lake Merritt Labyrinth
Join us for Tashlich at the Lake Merritt Labyrinth (the grassy area near the Grand Lake side of the lake, near the intersection of Bellevue Avenue and Staten Street).  Bring your own lunch (and blanket if you want one) any time after 1:00 pm to greet new friends and old.  The brief service will begin promptly at 2:00 pm. Click here for information on accessibility at Lake Merritt.

2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Tashlich (Zoom) – On Zoom only
Join us as we reflect and symbolically let go of shortcomings in a unique, beautiful, participatory Tashlich gathering on Zoom. You may want to prepare 2 to 5 ice cubes per person and a bowl or jar half filled with warm water to assist in casting away what you want to release.


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah Morning Services – In person at Sha’ar Zahav, 290 Dolores Street, and on Zoom


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 – Erev Shabbat Shuvah
7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service – In person at Sha’ar Zahav, 290 Dolores Street, and on Zoom


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 – Shabbat Shuvah
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service – In person at Sha’ar Zahav, 290 Dolores Street, and on Zoom


SUNDAY, October 6 – Kever Avot v’Imahot, Honoring our Ancestors
10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Cemetery Visit/Service – In person only, at Hills of Eternity Cemetery, Colma
Join us as we walk through the grave sites of our beloved community members and recite poems, liturgy, and names. Whether or not you have personally had a loss in your life, this short, contemplative service is for anyone wishing to contemplate life and death amidst supportive community.  Potluck/brown bag brunch to follow (details provided to those who register).


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 – Erev Yom Kippur
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.    (note earlier start time than prior years)
Kol Nidre Service – In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom



9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Yom Kippur Morning and Afternoon Services 
 In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom
 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Morning Services
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.               Niggun (Singing) Service (in person only)
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.               Yoga
2:15 to 3:15 p.m.               Afternoon Service/Text Study
3:30 to 5:00  p.m.              Discussion, reflection, art, social connection (multiple sessions)

9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Yom Kippur Family Program 
– In person only, at the Herbst Theater
Service and interactive activity for children aged preschool to fifth grade. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Yom Kippur Evening Services  In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom
5:30 to 6:30 p.m.   Yizkor
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.   Neilah


The times and events above are subject to change.  This page will be updated to reflect any changes that may occur.

Full details for all services and events, including links, instructions, and supplemental materials, will be sent via email to all registered High Holy Day participants a few days before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

For everything you need to know about our High Holy Day services and events, please be sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have any other questions, email us at [email protected].

Click Here to Register (Registration Required)




Are High Holy Day services In Person or Online this year?

Most High Holy Day services will be both online (on Zoom) and in person at the Herbst Theater (401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco). Some services and events will take place at Sha’ar Zahav (290 Dolores Street, San Francisco) or at other locations. See the schedule above for details.

Do I have to pay to attend High Holy Day services?

We do not charge a set fee for High Holy Days, but we encourage everyone to support us as you are able.

Do I have to register to attend High Holy Day services?

Yes. Tickets are not required, but everyone — members, family, and guests — must register to attend either online or in person.  If you are unsure if you will attend online or in person, please register and mark  “undecided.”  After you register, you will receive an email confirmation.  Those who do not register in advance may be able to join us, but only on a space-available basis.

What makes Sha’ar Zahav services unique?

Our congregation and our liturgy are rooted in the LGBTQI community and open to all.  We embrace all sexualities, genders, races, and abilities. We welcome a diversity of participants: single members, interfaith, single-parent, multiple-parent, and multicultural families. We lift each other up to do what we never thought possible.

We are led by our extraordinary clergy, Rabbi Mychal Copeland and Cantor Sharon Bernstein, as well as by several talented and diverse lay leaders.

I’m new. Will I feel comfortable at High Holy Day services?

Every year we welcome many new participants and members. Our services embrace both those experienced in traditions and those new to High Holy Days. We invite every person joining us to bring their unique gifts in creating our sanctuary together.

What are your safety and health requirements? 


We require personal photo identification for all in-person services and events. For members with key cards, this will serve as your photo ID.  For all others, we will check photo ID’s against registration lists. 

Vaccinations and Masks

For the health and safety of our community, all who attend in-person services and events should be vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are unvaccinated, sick, or experiencing any symptoms of illness, please enjoy services and events via Zoom. As an added precaution, we encourage everyone to take a COVID home test before attending in person.

While masks are not required at in-person services and events, we are mask-friendly and fully supportive of visitors, members, and service leaders who choose to wear masks. 

For information on the Herbst Theater’s health and safety practices, click here.

Fragrance-Free Environment

We maintain a fragrance-free environment at all in-person services and events. In order to support those who are physically harmed when exposed to chemical fragrances (difficulty breathing, migraines, flu-like symptoms), please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne or using other scented products. For more information on this subject, click here.

Zoom Backgrounds

When attending Zoom events please don’t use virtual or blurred backgrounds, as they cause migraines for many people.

How can children participate?

A Family Program, including a short service and an interactive activity, will be held in person at the Herbst Theater on Rosh Hashanah morning (Day 1) and Yom Kippur morning. The program is intended for children from preschool to about fifth grade. Children must be accompanied by an adult. A play area for young children (who must be supervised by their parent/guardian) will also be available during most of the day, with a small selection of toys and books.

How are you making services accessible to people with disabilities?

Live transcription (closed captioning) on Zoom will be provided in English for all hybrid and Zoom-only services. No special equipment is required. Details on how to enable closed captioning and adjust the size of the text can be found here.

A limited number of large print machzors (prayerbooks) will be available; please inquire at the machzor table in the lobby.

Assistive Listening headsets are available at the Herbst Theater; please inquire with the Herbst ushers at the theater entrance. Herbst requires a valid ID or credit card as a deposit, which will be returned upon return of the headset.

Sha’ar Zahav’s sanctuary and the Herbst Theater are wheelchair accessible. Designated seating is available in the Herbst Theater for persons using wheelchairs, and their companions. Please ask the Herbst ushers or Sha’ar Zahav ushers to be directed to wheelchair-accessible seating.

For more information on accessibility in the Herbst Theater, including entrances, restrooms, service animals, and parking, click here.

If you have other accessibility questions or require any special assistance please let us know on the registration form.  We will do our best to accommodate everyone who would like to attend, but please note that limitations based on time, cost, venue, or other factors may preclude some accommodations.

Where can I find a machzor (High Holy Day prayer book)?

We use Mishkan Hanefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe, published by CCAR Press, which will be  available for those who attend in person.  If you would like personal copies for in-person or online use, you can purchase them here. A Kindle e-book version (no special device needed) and a large print hard copy version are also available for purchase.

Everyone who registers for High Holy Days will receive supplemental liturgical materials via email a few days before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Are other programs offered beyond the High Holy Day services?

Elul is the Hebrew month preceding the High Holy Days. During this month, many take time to prepare themselves spiritually for the days ahead. We have developed High Holy Day Resources to assist you.  We also encourage you to check our weekly email for updated Elul offerings.

Should I update my Zoom software before services?

Yes! To have the best possible experience for High Holy Day services, be sure to update your Zoom software to the latest version. The latest viewing features will allow you to enjoy the services the way we designed them. For instructions about updating Zoom, click here. To skip directly to the download of the latest version, click below.

If you have difficulties registering or finding the Zoom links to access the services, please contact our High Holy Days team of staff and volunteers at [email protected].

Still have questions?

We look forward to answering them! Please contact our High Holy Days team of staff and volunteers at [email protected].