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To find out what is happening at Sha’ar Zahav,
please click on our most recent weekly email below

October 2024

October 2: Rosh Hashanah Begins Tonight!

September 2024

September 25: S’lichot, October 7th Memorials and Learn about Propositions

September 18: Ladino Concert, S’lichot and Fall Learning!

September 11: Ladino History/Music, Queer Judaism and Fall Classes!

September 4: Elul Learning Opportunities, Israel Events…

August 2024

August 28: High Holy Days, Elul Learning Opportunities and Israel Events!

August 27–Special Elul email: Welcome Elul!

Aug 21:  Adam Solomon-Carmel Bar Mitzvah, High Holy Days, Queer Judaism, and Israel Events!

Aug 14:  Learn to Sound Shofar, Queer Judaism, and Postcard Party

Aug 7: Israel/Palestine: Let’s Talk, Learn to Sound Shofar and Tisha B’Av

July 2024

July 31: Voter Postcard Party & Movie, and History of Israel/Palestine

July 24: SoulSpa, Voter Postcard Party & Movie and History of Israel/Palestine

July 17: Sabbath Queen and History of Israel/Palestine

July 10: Climate Justice Event this Friday, Drash Workshop, and Israel Programs

July 3: Climate, Drash Workshop, and Israel Programs

June 2024

June 26: Pride Shabbat & Sign up for Pride Parade!

June 19: Sign up for Pride Parade and New Oneg Chavurah! 

June 12: Opioid Crisis, Last call for Pride shirts and Queer Torah!

June 5: Trans Celebration Shabbat, Pride Shirts and Learning about Queer Torah!

May 2024

May 29: Gay Orthodox Rabbi, Annual Meeting, and Opioid Crisis.

May 22: Pride, Annual Meeting and Opioid Crisis

May 21–Special Pride email: Pride Month at Sha’ar Zahav!

May 15: Get ready for Pride with Sha’ar Zahav!

May 8: Hunger and Homelessness Shabbat this Friday

May 1: Jewish Identity Amidst the Crisis in Israel tonight

April 2024

April 24: Yizkor Memory Circle, Postcard Party and Learning Opportunities!

April 17: Passover, Music in the Mishkan and Israel Programming. 

April 10: Our Response to The Opioid Crisis, Passover events and New Classes available for registration.

April 3: Annual Interfaith Iftar and Alvin H. Baum Jr. Memorial Lecture!

March 2024

March 27: Campus Climate for Jewish Students event and Annual Interfaith Iftar!

March 20: Purim this weekend, Last chance for Hebrew classes and so much more!

March 13: Hebrew Classes, Hamantaschen making and so much more!

March 6: Immigrants and Friends Pre-Shabbat event, Postcard Party and so much more!

February 2024

February 28: Klezmer Shabbat, Immigrants and Friends, Postcard Party and so much more!

Feb 21: NIF Humanitarian Talk, Klezmer Shabbat next week, and so much more!

Feb 14: Zoe Friedman’s Bat Mitzvah, Meet the New Staff, NIF Humanitarian Talk and so much more!

Feb 7: Antisemitism workshop with Project Shema, Baby Naming and so much more!

January 2024

Jan 31: B’mitzvah, Shul School is in session, Antisemitism workshop and so much more!

January 24: Antisemitism workshop, Shul School is in session and so much more!

January 17: Judaism 101, Disability and Accessibility Events, Antisemitism workshop and so much more

January 3: Speaker Events, Disability and Accesibility Events and so much more!

December 2023

December 27:  Zoom only Shabbat, Speaker Events and so much more!

December 20:  Ice Cream Tonight, Judaism 101, Office News and so much more!

December 13: Antisemitism and Racism Teaching, Israel and Gaza Discussion and so much more.

December 6: Chanukah Castro Menorah Lighting, Zoom Nightly Candle Lightings and so much more!

November 2023

November 29: Talking about Israel and Gaza, Jewish Life in Uganda, Talking Antisemitism and Racism and so much more.

November 22: Chanukah, Jewish Life in Uganda and so much more!

November 15: Trans Day of Remembrance, Save the Dates for Chanukah, Office News and so much more!

November 8: Blanket Drive, Jewish Magic Symposium and more

November 1: Special Guest Rabbi Michael Strassfeld, LGBTQ Community in Jerusalem, and more

October 2023

October 25: Zoom Shabbat, Together in Heartbreak Members Gathering, Rabbi Michael Strassfeld next week and more. 

October 18: Voting Engagement Dinner and Planning, Golem and Artifical Intelligence class and so much more!

October 11: We comfort each other in community this Shabbat, Music in the Mishkan and so much more.

October 4: Simchat Torah, Yizkor Memory Circle and so much more!

September 2023

September 27: Judaism 101, Hebrew Classes and so much more!

September 20: Yom Kippur is this week!

September 13: Rosh Hashanah this week!

September 6: S’lichot Service, Rally for Israel’s Democracy and so much more!

August 2023

August 30: Shabbes Beat, Be a Sukkah Host, Sign-up for High Holy Days and so much more!

August 23: Shofar Sounders, Sukkah Hosting and so much more!

August 16: Friday Special Guests! Special Pre-Shabbat talk: Fighting for Israel’s Democracy and JFCS

August 2: Shabbes Beat, Registration for High Holy Days is now open and so much more!

July 2023

July 26: Zoom Only Shabbat Celebrating Disability Pride Month, SF Jewish Film Festival and so much more!

July 19: Tisha B’Av as a Spiritual Practice, Park Gatherings and so much more!

July 12: Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success, Membership Renewal and so much more!

July 5: Terry Fletcher Bat Mitzvah Offsite, Anniversary Shabbat, Grief and Redemption class session and so much more!

June 2023

June 28: Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success, Zoom only Shabbat and so much more!

June 21: Pride Shabbat this Friday, March with us this Sunday and so much more!

June 14: Dr. Gregg Drinkwater on our history, Pride Shabbat, March with us and so much more!

June 7: Sign up for Pride Parade, Israel Trip and so much more!

May 2023

May 31: Transgender Nonbinary Celebration Shabbat, Israel Trip Information Session and so much more!

May 24: Maggid Jhos Singer next week, Zoom only Shabbat, Shavuot is tomorrow and so much more!

May 17: Judy Elhauge-Roniger B’Mitzvah, Shavuot Registration, Pride Preview and so much more!

May 10: Save the Date for Shavuot, Pride and so much more!

May 3: Lag B’Omer Bonfire at Ocean Beach, “Paradise” Discussion tonight and so much more!

April 2023

April 26: Author Miriam Ruth Black, Israel Today, Zoom only Shabbat and so much more!

April 19: Shabbes Beat, National AIDS Memorial Quilt, Food Drive and so much more!

April 12: Racial Justice Guest Speaker, Yom Ha’Shoah events, Angels in America course and so much more!

April 5: Updating Masking Policy, Passover and so much more!

March 2023

March 29: Zoom only Shabbat Special Speaker, TDOV online only, sign up for Zoom Passover and so much more!

March 22: TDOV Panel Next Wednesday and so much more!

March 15: Overcoming Polarization, Talking about Death Workshop and so much more!

March 8: Purim Party, Community Retreat, Overcoming Polarization and so much more!

March 1: 2 Purim Parties, Rainbow Campaign begins and so much more!

February 2023

February 22: Zoom only Shabbat, B’Mitzvah Mentors Gathering, Purim and so much more!

February 15: Gabby Powell’s B’mitzvah, Purim and so much more!

February 8: Immigration Shabbat and so much more!

February 1: Shabbat Shira Service and Sing Along and so much more!

January 2023

January 25: Tri-Mitzvah, Zoom only Shabbat and so much more!

January 18: Shabbes Beat, Tu B’Shevat Seder, Shabbat Shira Sing-Along and so much more!

January 11: Tiela Chalmers’ B’Mitzvah, Immigration Journal and so much more!

January 4: Phil Charney’s B’Mitzvah, Zoom only Shabbat, Immigration Journal and so much more!

December 2022  

December 28: Zoom only Shabbat, Drash Workshop, Exploring Midrash and so much more!

December 21: Nightly Zoom Candle Lighting, Hebrew and Judaism 101 Classes and so much more!

December 14: Klezmer Shabbat this Friday, Community Chanukah Workshop and so much more!

December 7: Mike Shriver’s B’Mitzvah, The Fight for a Just and Shared Israel discussion and so much more!

November 2022  

November 30: 3 Stars/Shlosha Kochavim this Saturday, Open Shabbat and so much more!

November 23: Interfaith Family Workshop, Zoom ONLY Shabbat and so much more!

November 16: Pizza Postcard Party tonight, Shlosha Kochavim and so much more!

November 9: Sadie Post’s B’mitzvah, Discussion on Senior Residence with Adult Orphans and so much more!

November 2: Jonah Goldstone’s B’mitzvah, Zohar Circle, Theater and Movies Chavurah and so much more!

October 2022  

October 26: Zoom ONLY Shabbat, Judaism 101, Hebrew, and so much more!

October 19:  3 Stars/Tot Havdalah, Judaism 101, Hebrew, and so much more!

October 12: Judaism 101, Hebrew, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and so much more!

October 6: Climate Action Sukkot, hybrid Simchat Torah, Nat’l Coming Out Day and so much more!

September 2022  

September 28: Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah, Sukkot and so much more!

September 21: High Holy Days, Zoom and Beach Tashlich and so much more!

September 14: Selichot this Saturday, sign up for High Holy Days and so much more!

September 7: Jim Frazin’s Bar Mitzvah, Sign up for High Holy Days, Elul Introspection and so much more!

August 2022  

August 31: Elul, High Holy Days, a Teach-In on Reparations and so much more!

August 24: Hebrew mini-course starting next week, Zoom ONLY Shabbat and so much more!

August 17: Shabbes Beat, last chance for Beit Sefer Registration and so much more!

August 10: Beit Sefer Registration, Kaf Lamed Monthly Gathering and so much more!

August 3: Theater & Movies Chavurah, Tour at Contemporary Jewish Museum and so much more!

July 2022  

July 27: Shabbat on Zoom ONLY this week, Postcard and dance party and more!

July 20: Contemporary Jewish Museum tour, Jewish Film Festival and so much more!

July 13: Voting postcard party, San Francisco Jewish Film Festival and so much more!

July 6: Judaism 101, Anniversary Shabbat this Friday and so much more!

June 2022  

June 29: Judaism 101, Job Opportunities and so much more!

June 22: Pride Shabbat happening this Friday and more events!

June 15: Transgender and Nonbinary Celebration Shabbat happening this Friday and more events!

June 8: PRIDE Seder, AIDS Quilt and more!

June 2: PRIDE Month at Sha’ar Zahav!

June 1: Celebrate Shavuot, Annual Meeting and PRIDE!

May 2022  

May 25: Shavuot in memory of Paul Cohen, z”l, Pride Events and more!

May 18:  Book Group Discussion featuring Disability Activist, CSZ Family Retreat and more!

May 11: SZ Responses on Reproductive Justice and Climate, and more!

May 4: Trans Talmud with Dr. Max Strassfeld, The Producers Discussion Tonight and more!

April 2022  

April 27: Yom HaShoah events, Music in the Mishkan and more!

April 20: Earth Day Fair, Shabbat Accessibility Conversation and Passover Yizkor and more

April 13: It’s the season of our liberation–sign up for Pesach events and more now!

April 6: Immigration Shabbat, Sign up for Passover Today, Beit Sefer Open House and more!

March 2022  

March 30: Crip Camp panel, Rainbow Campaign, Nonbinary Hebrew events and more!

March 23: Security Training, Immigrant Journal, Hebrew Classes and more!

March 16: Purim, Music in the Mishkan and Scholar of Kabbalah Speaker this week!

March 9: Purim, Music in the Mishkan, Shabbes Beat and more!

March 2: Hybrid Shabbat Services, Hebrew Classes, Purim and more!

February 2022  

February 23: Friday Night Service on Zoom, Hebrew and Judaism 101, and more!

February 16: Shabbes Beat is back and Caring for the Caregivers starts tonight!

February 9: Climate Action Committee, Judaism and the Body and more!

February 2: Judaism 101, Judaism and the Body, Book Group and more!


January 2022

January 26: Beco Lichtman, Judaism 101 and more! 

January 19: Beco Lichtman, Voter Engagement Group and more!

January 12: Shabbat Service this week is celebrating Tu B’Shevat!

January 5: Crip Camp Discussion Tonight, Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest and more!


December 2021

December 29: Food Bank Volunteering, Office Closed Friday – Happy New Year and more!

December 22: A Kabbalat Shabbat, Caring for Caregivers, and more!

December 15: Celebrating Sharon Heath’s Retirement, In-Person Shabbat and more!

December 8: Journey to Judaism, Music in the Mishkan and more!

December 1: Chanukah Shabbat and Other Offerings


November 2021

November 24: Chanukah Menorah Lighting in the Castro, and more

November 17: Transgender Day of Remembrance Hybrid Shabbat Service, Reparations workshop, Being a LGTBQ ally workshop, and more

November 10: Shabbes Beat, Transgender Day of Remembrance Next Week, and more

November 3: Hybrid Shabbat: In-Person & Zoom – Members Register Now, also Reparations: A Direct Approach, and More


October 2021

October 27: In-person Shabbat Next Week, Buy a Book for Beit Sefer, and more

October 20: The Intersection of Climate Change and Racial Justice, Jewish Yoga, and more

October 13: Hiking Chavurah, The Ethics of Speech, Spotlight on Gun Violence

October 6: Shabbat in the Park, Hiking, Climate Action, Right-Sizing Your Home


September 2021

September 29: Judaism 101 and Hebrew Classes, In-person Shabbat in the Park next week

September 22: Simchat Torah, Judaism 101 and Hebrew Classes

September 15: Sukkot Dinner on At Risk LGBTQ+ Youth, Judaism 101 and Hebrew Classes

September 9: High Holy Day offerings including Yom Kippur Services and Sukkot, and more!

September 1: High Holy Day Services, Celebrating Solar Panels, Theater Group and more


August 2021

August 25: Elul Activities, High Holy Day Services, and More

August 18: Havdalah Bonfire, Garden Adventure, Elul Activities and More

August 4: Opportunities for Social Action, Learning, Community Gathering, and More


July 2021

July 22: Discussing Reparations, Continuing the Conversation on Jewish Resilience, and More

July 9: Guest Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg on Jewish Resilience, Hershel Daniels Jr. on Reparations & More

June 2021

June 23: Pride Celebration Shabbat, Jewish Resilience, Zohar Reading Circle & More

June 9: Bi-weekly Newsletter, Pride Seder, 12-step Group and More

June 2:  Same-sex Marriage & Jewish Law, Kabbalah, New Groups & Pride

May 2021

May 26: The Equality Act, Join Our Annual Meeting, Pride Events and More

May 19: Chesa Boudin Speaks, Celebrating Diversity, Pride and More

May 12:  “Jewish &” Shabbat this Week, Register for Shavuot, Pride Events, and More

May 5: Shavuot Learning Sessions, Jewish 12-Steps, Pride Events Coming Up, and More

April 2021

April 28: On Race, Conversion and Jewish Identity: Let’s have the talk!

April 21: Shavuot is Coming, Jewish 12 Steps, Intro to Friday Night Services and More

April 14:  Green Shabbat, Making Space for People of Color, Coping with COVID, and More

April 7: Holocaust Remembrance, Coping with COVID, Green Shabbat and More

March 2021

March 31: Transgender Panel Today, Coping with Covid, People of Color at SZ and More

March 24: Passover is Almost Here, HIAS Refugee Shabbat, Transgender Panel, and More

March 17: You’re Invited to Pesach, Where the Wild Things Are, and Transgender Day!

March 3: 2021 Member Survey, Passover Seder, Andrea Miller’s Visit and More

February 2021

February 24:  Purim Topsy-turvy Service, Film screening of Brother Outsider, and More!

February 17: Let’s Read and Watch Films Together. Also, Many Purim Events Next Week!

February 10: Purim Events, New Groups, Jewish Disabilities Month and More

February 3: Journey-making with a Black Transgender Elder, Group for Caregivers and More

January 2021

January 27:  Learning to Disagree, the Road Ahead in Advocacy, and More

January 20:  Tu B’Shvat, Queer & Jewish Talks, the Caring Corner & More

January 13: Top 10 events coming up. Let’s do together!

January 6:  Social Action Highlights & Many Learning Opportunities