Build Your OWN Sukkah


What’s in a Sukkah?

Click the underlined links to learn more.

Quick (4 min) Video Intro to Sukkot and the Sukkah from BimBam

Rules for Building a Sukkah

And More Rules for Building a Sukkah


Sukkah Inspiration

If you want to go beyond the rules, get inspired by this great Sukkah City design competition. 

See a sampling in this curated slideshow

Kosher?  Not Kosher?  Does it matter?  Definitely playful & amazing!  


Sukkah Planning for Real

Here’s where you can get kits for building your own, all shapes, sizes and price points.

With links to many vendors including the totally simple and completely kosher fold and go options, which, yes, is available through Amazon

Or get a few materials and build your own free form:


Symbolic Sukkah Options if You Really Have No Space

Living in a shoebox?  You can make that shoe box into a sukkah!

Check out the slides @ the end of this collection for small inspirations including a chance to play with your food!  


A word & an article about Lulav and Etrog improv


By Sue Bojdak @ Congregation Sha’ar Zahav

August 2020 / Elul 5780